Could your TMJ disorder cause dizziness? / Dental Wellness Group
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Could your TMJ disorder cause dizziness?

tmj dizziness

Could your TMJ disorder cause dizziness?

TMD Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can cause toothaches, headaches and jaw pains. However, there is a lesser result of TMJ Disorder which is also the worst, known as TMJ dizziness.

Dizziness causes feelings such as fright and inconvenience in patients. Dizzy patients tend to fall or slip thereby sustaining injuries. The question now is what link is there between TMJ and dizziness?

Relationship Between TMJ and the Sense Organs.

The Labyrinth which is found in the human inner ear plays an important role in body balance and vestibular system (eyes, nerves, joints and bones). A fluid in the Labyrinth sends important signals to the brain. These signals direct body balance, movement and position. A disruption in any part of the vestibular system sends wrong signal to the brain which results in TMJ dizziness or vertigo.

The Labyrinth is found in the temporal bone at the head region of the human body. The TMJ is also attached to this temporal bone and skull , therefore whenever there is a misalignment  or inflammation from TMD, the labyrinth fluids are disturbed and begin to send wrong signals.

tmj dizziness

How to Manage TMJ Dizziness.

TMJ Dizziness and vertigo can be hazardous especially if they happen in the process of driving or if the Patient stumbles and falls. The moment you experience a loss of balance, faintness, or a spinning room sensation, you may have a vestibular problem caused by TMD or another medical disorder. Please treat these symptoms with urgency. We always recommend our patients see their physicians to rule out other causes of dizziness, such as an inner ear disorder, certain diseases, a head injury, or certain medications reactions.

However, if the above mentioned causes have been ruled out, your TMJ Dizziness needs to be checked by our office. We will map out a comprehensive plan to help relieve your TMD, such plans may include:

  • Up-to-date technology to aid proper diagnosis and information to guide your treatment plan.
  • Use of occlusal orthotic appliance to re-position your jaw properly and relieve TMJ pain.
  • Non-surgical dental therapy that will align the jaw joint producing life-long results